Christmas morning did not come as early as Daddy would have liked, he is always up at 6 waiting for the kids! But it did work out well because Uncle Jesse came in and was able to get to the house while the kids were opening up gifts.

We had to get up and wake up Uncle Jeff (Uncle Face). The kids were so excited to see if Santa actually came!

Both kids got new bikes, they are bigger than their current ones, and they were so excited to see them! Braden's is a green Hot Wheels one that makes a lot of noises!

Caitlin's is a princess bike with a water bottle and a bag.

We stalled them a bit while they opened their stockings so Uncle Jesse and Nonie could make it back in time.

They got lots of candy and toys in their stockings.

Yeah to Uncle Face! Anytime they opened something that needed put together we told them to ask him! He was very patient with them!

This is C opening her American Girl Doll! She was so excited! She named her Katie, her nickname!

This is her brother checking Katie out!

This is B opening his famous Butt Pads! Or Hockey Pants. He has been talking about these for months. He knows that when he gets them he can skate with more confidence b/c it won't hurt when he falls.

B is studying everything he got. Butt pads, should pads and shin guards. He spent the entire time his Uncle's were here playing hockey, full gear, in the basement. And if you ask him he is the House Champion!!

Uncle Face putting gifts together! He is such a great Uncle.

Caitlin in the dress that matches her American Girl that she insists on wearing every day!

Merry Christmas!!