This weekend was the start of our busy lives! Both kids are in soccer. Their practices are on the same day, same time, different places. Thank goodness for wonderful neighbors! We will carpool to help each other out. They both have been taking ice skating lessons on Saturdays too. We decided to move them to the Wednesday practices. Caitlin still has dance on Thursdays, James has hockey at least once during the week, and tennis is starting for us both this week. Braden will be starting ice hockey in April. Because of all of this, I went out on Friday and bought a large dry erase calendar for our kitchen to keep everything straight!

Caitlin's soccer started a week before Braden's. Her first game was this Saturday. She is playing at Little River, her school, with kids from kindergarten and first grade. They were so excited to play!

She ended up on the same team with 2 girls she is close to from our neighborhood, Laine and Zoe.

Braden really wanted to play while we were there. What a difference from a year ago!

Caitlin's teacher is Coach Greg, he is so good with them. He works with them on so positions and is so patient.

B decided to take a trip up the side of the hill, can you find him?

So determined!

Notice that her nails are beautifully done, thanks Laurie! Even if we play a rough sport we need to look good!

We noticed how different Caitlin was this year. She is aggressive, and chases after ball. She was tripped during the game and skinned her knee but got right back up!

The three girls talking about something very serious while on the sidelines.

Love these girls! They get along so well and are so sweet!

This year we got names on the back! And again notice, the hair needs to look good!

Even though she is small she is mighty!

Coach Greg taught them to stand like this to be ready for the ball. And Caitlin does what she is told!

That's my girl! Maybe taking after her mommy!

So, after C's game we raced to their last Saturday ice skating lesson, and the last one they will be together.

Watching them together in this class we can see the difference in them. C is our teacher's dream, they ask her to do something she does it to a T. B does what he wants, which it to go full speed forward on his skates!

After their lesson we stay for open session, they were so cute and held hands as they past us. The hockey player and figure skater!

They are best friends always!!