This past Tuesday Caitlin had her first awards ceremony at school for kindergarten. Both James and I were able to go and we are both so glad we did, she did well! The first award she received for an AR award for participating in AR. For those of you who do not know what AR is, it is a reading program where the children read books on their level then answer a series of questions. They have to be able to read the book on their own and read the test on their own. Caitlin started taking the tests at the very end of the year. She loves to read and is doing so well at decoding new words and remembering her sight words.

The next award was called a Super Reader Award for participating in Book it. This is where the children record what they read each month, they have to read a minimum amount, then they earn a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.

The next award was her favorite, READ to Succeed. This is where the children record what they read for a few months and if they read for a total of 360 minutes they earn a free Six Flags ticket. Caitlin is so excited to use this, she has never been.

Caitlin then earned the Super Speller award. Every week they took a pretest on their spelling words, if they did not know them they had to take the post test on Friday. The children earned this as long as they got a 90% or more each week. Caitlin had to take the post test once and then she got a 100%!

The green award below is for completing homework every week the entire year. To be honest, I never thought there was a choice! Caitlin is good about completing her work, we usually did it by Tuesday. She loves doing class work and usually asks for more.

Mrs. Cameron paired the children up and they earned a special award. Caitlin earned the "Always Being Helpful" award. She is a good friend and is always willing to help out her peers.

Below is her friend Jewel who earned the award with her.

I love the next award the most. Little River, her school, started a program this year that is all about filling people's buckets. Basically, when you say nice things to people you fill their buckets, when you are unkind you are dipping into their bucket. The kids all got it quickly and would talk about it at home. Caitlin and her sweet friend AJ earned the Filling my Bucket this year award. Which means she filled Mrs. Cameron's bucket and her classmates bucket throughout the year.

Below is Caitlin's kindergarten class with their diploma's!

B did a great job watching his sister. He told me he was ready for kindergarten. I guess if we were up North he would be starting but since we are not he is entering Pre K next year.

Below is Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Goodrich (the parapro). They are awesome!

For those of you who saw my post from the beginning of the year, you will notice that you do not see the same teacher. Just in case you did not know, we were blessed about 6 weeks into school and were given a new teacher for C. I say it was a blessing because Caitlin was having an extremely hard time with the first teacher, she was extremely hard on the kids and not very loving. Mrs. Cameron came in and was amazing with Caitlin and the entire class. She has taught Caitlin so much and is an amazing teacher and person. I personally have gotten to know her and think our family was lucky to have had her. Braden actually told me he wanted her when he got to kindergarten. She does not have a job next year, she was on limited contract, but I believe she will get something, for it would be Cherokee's loss not to resign her!