So this past Saturday James and I had our first reconciliation during our retreat. I had no idea what to expect. All four Priests were there and we had our choice on who we wanted to see. I went to the Monsignour, it was absolutely amazing. He was such an easy person to talk to and helped me through it all. He told me there was no way I could remember everything and just tell him the things that bothered me. James went to Father Arcangel. He was told he had a "good confession." We are both very much looking forward to this Saturday when we do the final Sacraments, I have heard it is abolutely amazing!

After out retreat we had a surprise party for Aunt Jessica. She is turned 30 years old. The kids were so excited to tell her "surprise!" She says she was surprised. It was a great time for all.
Both kids have their Easter parties at school on Thursday, I will be jumping back and for to them both. Then they will be going to Nana and Poppy's on Saturday because James and I will be at church all day. They will meet us there for the Easter Vigil.
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