James and I decided to take the kids fishing to a local park. They had a kids pond so we figured it would not be too hard. The pond was covered in lilly pads and other stuff. We caught a lot of seaweed! The kids could not understand they could not catch a fish so easily like they do back home.

We tried to move around the pond, tried different baits and different rods. No luck.

The kids got bored very quickly! Plus it was very hot. We figured it was best to go back home and swim!

About 2 days ago we had a big storm which was good because it pushed the oil away from the shore. Therefore, yesterday James was able to take the kids into the ocean. I went to take some pictures, I cannot get into the water because I got another ear infection. Of course it had to happen while we were down here. Thank goodness James is so good and spent so much time with them in the water!

They both loved using their boogie boards to surf the waves. Braden even did well this year, last year he was a bit hesitant.

Both kids keep talking about playing in the waves! And they both crashed last night as soon as their heads hit the pillow, it wore them out!

Today is our last day. The kids are sad to leave, they have had so much fun. It is nice to not have to be anywhere at any specific time. We are all more relaxed!
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