Our beautiful kids on the day of the big wedding. It was a beautiful day for a wonderful wedding!
Love these two!
Big and Little Brother!
Great guys!
My precious family!!
The backdrop to the wedding. The mountains were gorgeous!
Father son bonding.
The Happy Couple!
They found a treasure chest!
Grandpa, Grandma, and the kids
The Groom, not sure what he is doing here. I think C took this picture.
The beautiful bride and my new sister in law. So happy to call her that.
Caitlin loves her Aunt!
James and his Uncle John
The magic treasure box they found. Not sure what it was for.
Sweet Caroline!
Love this sweet little angel!
Where the ceremony took place
So when did C grow up? I need this to stop!
Nan! Love her!
Nan and Aunt Sue
Nonie and Jeff
Waiting for his bride
She is so happy!!
Putting the ring on, making it official!
The kiss
Cheers Nan
She just looks so happy!!
Of course, they quickly go and play in the dock area
Love this, Nan with C comforting her, and Aunt Pam, watching the picture slide show. I think we all cried!
Here are the happy Bride and Groom!!
My sweet Angel
C LOVES her Uncle Jeff.
She also loves her new aunt who is super cool
Aunt Laura with Caitlin and Caroline
Love this,they are both so happy
Uncle Face and B
Uncle Jesse aka Uncle Roy aka Uncle Crazy Hair, giving his speech that brought many to tears
There first bite of cake
Their first dance
Dancing with his mom
Awe, Nan is so happy dancing with Jeff
Daddy Daughter dance
Nan with another guy!
Nonie with one of her boys.
And she is with another boy!
Love this. The boys just picked up the kids and danced, they loved it!
Uncle Jesse and C in the dance off. I don't think a decision was made on to who won!
B and Uncle Jesse in a contest, ask B who won!
It was a wonderful weekend with a beautiful wedding. We loved spending time with our family and close friends. Great memories for all!
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