Monday, June 28, 2010

The Annual Beach Pictures

Every year we all dress in matching outfits and take family pictures. The first year we hired a professional, then we realized with this many kids all having their own opinions, it was just as easy for us to take the pictures. The girls loved playing together. Emily was the "Little Mommy" taking care of the younger two.

Well, this year I took 250, I got a bunch of good ones, but did not want to put them all on this. It is hard to choose when the kids are so cute!

Braden is either posing more me, asking me to take his picture, or absolutely refusing to get it taken. You never know who he will be and he can change quickly!!
Last year when we tried a group picture Braden refused to get in it, he actually got in it this year!

It is fun to see how much they have grown each year. Last year I have a picture of the two of them similar to this one, they look so much bigger!
Caitlin is looking older too, I can't believe she will be heading off to Kindergarten in the fall!

The kids are best friends and it melts my heart to see them care for eachother, not to say they don't fight either!

We had so much fun at the beach this year, thank you Nana and Poppy! My kids can't stop talking about it and saying what they will do next time! It was nice to relax with the family!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Last Day

We brought the kids bikes down here. The area we are staying in is closed off and have very little traffic. Caitlin actually learned how to ride without training wheels. We took the bikes to the center of area. We let the kids each pick out a souvenir. Braden took all of a minute, Caitlin took forever, she has a hard time making decisions.
My little poser! He keeps asking me to take his picture, though if I asked him to pose he would refuse. It all has to be on Braden's terms.

They had fun playing around in the center. Of course it helped that I bribed them with candy if they sat nicely for me!

My sweet Caitlin and her Daddy! She is such a Daddy's girl!
Braden and his new pet lizard!
Now we are getting ready to do the annual beach family pictures! Let's see how well we do!

More Vacation

James and I decided to take the kids fishing to a local park. They had a kids pond so we figured it would not be too hard. The pond was covered in lilly pads and other stuff. We caught a lot of seaweed! The kids could not understand they could not catch a fish so easily like they do back home.

We tried to move around the pond, tried different baits and different rods. No luck.

The kids got bored very quickly! Plus it was very hot. We figured it was best to go back home and swim!

About 2 days ago we had a big storm which was good because it pushed the oil away from the shore. Therefore, yesterday James was able to take the kids into the ocean. I went to take some pictures, I cannot get into the water because I got another ear infection. Of course it had to happen while we were down here. Thank goodness James is so good and spent so much time with them in the water!

They both loved using their boogie boards to surf the waves. Braden even did well this year, last year he was a bit hesitant.

Both kids keep talking about playing in the waves! And they both crashed last night as soon as their heads hit the pillow, it wore them out!

Today is our last day. The kids are sad to leave, they have had so much fun. It is nice to not have to be anywhere at any specific time. We are all more relaxed!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Florida Vacation

We left on Saturday for Sunnyside, Florida it is in between Destin and Panama City. We are staying with Nana and Poppy and the Rego's. By the time we got here the kids were just excited to see each other and play together.
Yesterday, Sunday, we went to the beach. The kids were in the ocean for a few minutes and started complaining that their skin itched. Caitlin said it was all over. We left and came back to the house to clean up. Everyones skin was sticky and there was black spots on our feet. We find this so sad, we can only imagine how bad it will get. We have decided to stay here and stay out of the ocean. James went running on the beach this morning and said he saw over 40 people picking up tar balls. I think they are trying to keep the beach look clean, the only problem with that is people think the ocean is fine too, unfortunately it is not!
We have spent a lot of time at the pool. Braden is now swimming across the pool without help, no floaties or anything! He was even taking breathes today. He also like to do Cannon Balls, and he actually does them well!

We have had a lovely time so far. We look forward to the rest of the week, even if we can't go in the ocean.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

C's bday party and swim meet

We had to cancel Caitlin's birthday party because both kids got pink eye, it was fantastic! We ended up having it on Memorial day which was good because the dad's were around. Don't think Braden is being sweet above by kissing my hand, he is blowing out his sisters candles!
I had every intention on making princess cupcakes then I was pressured for time and went to the store and saw this perfectly good princess cake. Caitlin loved it.
It was a water party. We had a double slip in slide and a sprinkler going. It rained in the middle but the kids got back out quickly and played.
This was the second official swim meet for the Willow Creek Sea Hawks, Caitlin's team. She gets so excited about the meets.
The first match she does it the front stroke. She was amazing tonight, she did not take a break at all. She came in second place, four in all. Her good friend Sofia came in first, she is an amazing swimmer.

She is suppose to wear the goggles though our pool is salt water, which is so much better on their eyes. She tells me she can tell a difference when she is in a different pool.
This is her getting ready for the backstroke race. The third one they do. The second one was cancelled, it is the relay and one of the girls was missing.
She improved so much this time. Last week she was dead last, this week she was third, and close to the second place girl! I am so proud of her!!
This is just trouble. I have to work the first half and he just wonders around. All the girls keep an eye on him for me. I keep hearing "Braden James!" Amazing how everyone knows his entire name!
James made it for the last race, Caitlin was so happy to see her Daddy there! She loves him! He was so proud of his baby girl!!